Pet Emergency Center is open 24 hours a day to serve pets and their people.

Woman working in pharmacy.

Poisoning and toxins

Pets are naturally curious and playful, which is great when you are playing games or working on training. However, this inquisitive nature can also get them in trouble. Exposure to toxins and poisons is one of the primary reasons pets are rushed to Pet Emergency Center. 

What common toxins lead to emergency vet care?

Many common foods are toxic to dogs. Grapes, chocolate, and cherries are a few foods animals may eat when they are dropped on the floor. Check out this helpful searchable database for pet poisons from our friends at Pet Poison Helpline.

What are signs of pet poisoning?

Vomiting and diarrhea are two common symptoms of exposure to toxins or poisons in pets. Your pet might also experience excessive drooling or seem lethargic. Seizures and collapse can occur if the poison begins affecting your pet’s organs. If your pet exhibits any unusual symptoms, it is a good idea to bring them to Pet Emergency Center since they may have ingested something without your knowledge.

How is poisoning treated?

In some cases, you might be lucky enough to find evidence of what your pet ate, such as an empty candy bar wrapper or spilled chemicals. If so, let us know because this can affect the care we provide. We may induce vomiting to remove toxic substances from your pet’s stomach, but this might not be safe with certain chemicals. We also use medications, antidotes, activated charcoal, and supportive care to stabilize pets after a toxin ingestion.

Once your pet ingests a toxin or poisonous substance, its life may be in danger. Pet Emergency Center in Missoula is equipped to save your pet’s life. Call us at (406) 829-9300 if you suspect your pet has been poisoned.

Office Hours

Open 24 hours a day.


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Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you (for immediate assistance please call: 406-829-9300)